My bike

My red Cervelo P3 is wonderful. I bought the bike because it is "just right" for me: stiff aluminum, 650 geometry, light and very fast, top quality Dura-Ace and other components. After my horrendous crash in August when I landed on the pavement and the bike was cushioned by landing on me, I put my bike away - after friend Joe the mechanical engineer triathlete inspected it and pronouced it "OK." Oh, I have been walking around it for months in the garage and even mounted it on the trainer once, but it did not get ridden. All my riding has been spin at my healthclub. Well, with tri-camp brewing in a week or so I hauled it off to my bike guy Rich at The Bike Shop where one of his wrenches tuned it before shipment to Carlsbad, CA. "Lee, Anthony needs to talk to you." Hmmm. So I talked to high level wrench Anthony. Besides the eighth inch of aluminum ground off the side of the handlebar that Rich noticed when I brought the bike in, Anthony proceded to show me the bent dropout, the bent seat stays and how the back end of the bike was out of alignment. The wrenches consulted one another in my presence and decided the bike likely could be successfully straightened...but this was not for sure. I gave the go ahead and have heard nothng since, so the straightening exercise must have been successful and my bike is now in transit to the West Coast.


Coming back is s-w-e-e-t!


Got some bounce!