The riskier course
Credit: Momoneymoproblemz, icensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
This past weekend I snuck down to Indy after the hot Chicago Marathon debacle 13 days earlier and qualified for Boston at the Indianapolis Marathon. Much nicer day to race.
Looks like I recovered OK from my Chicago race, at which I ran 18 miles at race pace and then mixed running and walking thereafter until we were told not to run at mile 23. One of my coaches (Jim Spivey) counseled not to try Indianapolis on such short recovery, the other (Mike Plumb) said go for it! So like a true Tri-Dead I chose the riskier course,.
Anyway, I needed 4:00:59 to qualify (I'm getting old!) and my training pre-Chicago said I should be able to run 3:45. Heh, I ran 3:59:30! It was interesting cutting it that close