

TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2007

It was twilight with dawn on tap. I was turning my bike around on a gravely side road across from Cantigny Golf Club. Whoops! I suddenly found myself in a zero-speed fall. Uhhh! I hit hard and wobbled back up. Bike was unharmed. But I had a bloody knee and was semi-stunned. I continued to ride with my bleeding knee, logging 26 miles with Matt Dell, a tri guy from "back when," and former Marine Lt. Col. Scott Allen. We inaugurated the Wednesday McKee Marsh/Fermi ride, despite high winds and my aching grogginess.

The next day...and every day since...I have had pain in the ribs on my upper left front. Bruised? Broken? Who knows. All I know I have not been swimming since (though I would have today except my suit was nowhere to be found) and I have hurt especially after a 46-mile bike ride to Elburn a week ago Sunday and during my normal Tuesday night recovery run with Rich last Tuesday. Because of the pain, sleeping has been lighter than usual and I have not sought to do long runs.

One positive note is that through the pain I have still logged some good track workouts and tempo runs.

This week I am feeling a little better. Yesterday a.m. I ran 10, albeit very slow. I meant to try swimming today, but the prospect of swimming masters without a suit did not appeal ;-)

Oh well, back on track and looking forward to my half Ironman in a few weeks. In between I hope to ride a metric century on Memorial Day weekend and run a 10 mile race in Elgin on Memorial Day proper. Nothing like racing oneself into shape!


Back at it


By starting, we create great possibilities