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4 X 50 to remember


We were in adjacent lanes, swimming 4 x 50 free, toward the end of Masters, when I already had nearly 3000 yards in.

First 50. She is right there in my sight, may be a foot behind. Push it! Clearly she was pushing it, too. :50 for both of us...

Second 50. Again, she is right there in my sight, now about 6 inches behind. Work the stroke, form and power, hard! Whew! :50 for both of us.

Third 50. Now we are neck and neck all the way. This woman is powering and I am giving it about all I have (saving maybe just one iota for the last 50). :50 for me...and :49 for her. Ooh, the last 50 is going to be really tough!

Final 50. Ok, I am either going to explode or bring this one in faster. We were neck and neck, but after the turn I grab that last iota and lay it all out there, Gee, is this stupid going all out at the end of a long workout and two days after running 20 miles? Oh well, I am committed. I give it my all - and I know Diane does, too - and gain a little space on her before the wall mercifully arrives. :48 for me and :50 for Diane.