I run...



For the wind on my face

Because I can

To challenge myself

For the thrill of the race.

In wind and cold and heat and sun

To know myself

For satisfaction

With others who love to run.

Thousands of miles

To be outdoors

To stretch my limits

For smiles.

To find me

Just to run

For those who can't

For community.

The cycle of seasons

Morning and night

To shed the world

When I don't have a reason.

For the fun of fast

For stronger legs

With the hope of PRs

Not to be last.

Loops and out-and-backs

Hills and flats

On familiar routes and new trails

On the road and track.

To justify my hunger

To be free

For recovery and healing

To be younger.

To stride

To float

To breathe

For the glide.

For fun

For competition

Because it's me

To beat no one.

To go nowhere

To taunt my buddies

To be with friends

So I can share.

Farther than my training

For the rush of intervals

For the last mile

Even when its raining.

Out of greed

To measure myself

To defy time

To gain fitness and speed.

To pass the runner

5K, 10 miles and 26.2

For the exhilaration of the finish

To reach the corner.

To do what's tough

For the zone and second wind

For the pain of pushing

To go beyond enough.

To be the rabbit

Easy and all-out

To keep up

By habit.

For footprints in the snow

When others stay inside

Too far and not far

To see how fast I can go.

To see new sights

To get away

To get home

Toward distant lights.


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Five rules for running a Boston time