Race day check list


One reason a race can go poorly is because it's easy to forget necessary gear. I know of triathletes who have forgotten their bike and marathoners arriving without their race chip!

That's why I use this race day checklist, developed over the past 25 years. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LYMKbPNIlkZQjE_LO3_pd-GfZJv2e-ZI/view?usp=sharing

You can see that it is all-inclusive for Ironman, marathons, whatever. Hence, for a given race some things will not apply.

Typically, the day before a race I use the list to amass needed gear. I write the race name vertically at the bottom of each set of rows in the appropriate column, I keep the list going for multiple races - it's easier to see what you might have taken or not taken previously and therefore to update the list.

I place a dot in the appropriate box for each item I need to have for the race, then blacken the box when I have packed the item. There are a few blanks in which to write in things not already listed. FemaIes may find the blanks especially helpful, because I have not thought about things that a female racer will require that males need not worry about.

Race morning I re-check the list to be sure I have packed up everything I might need for a great race.


Ready to race


Getting to the heart of the matter