Short race report: Wisconsin Marathon, May 7



Last Saturday I ran the Wisconsin Marathon in Kenosha, just north of the Illinois border. I think this was marathon finish number 46 (counting my IMs).

The course is mostly flat, partly in sight of Lake Michigan - nice. The only issue is there are some sections of gravel road (approaching the Illinois border) that are tough on the feet. The weather was nearly perfect - cool, sunny to start, cooler, cloudy and a little windy later. My goal was to finish and feel good - you may remember that last fall my calf muscle was pulled or torn and that I bailed at the half at both Chicago and Indy Monumental. Last year for the Wisconsin Marathon I was coming off my achilles problem and ran a slow 4:31.

This time I ran 4:11 (1:57/2:14). Went out to run 9s but the two guys I wound up running the first half with with who allegedly wanted to 9s as well ran 8:50s (with a few miles near 8:40). I kept trying to slow us down to hit 9s on the head, but they kept pulling up the pace. 9s were going to be a stretch given my somewhat limited base, so 8:50s were definitely a stretch and I paid toward the end. Nonetheless, no problems with the run at all, ran every step with good form, just slowed as I got tighter. I got my drinking and nutrition right as well, skipping half the stops, alternating water and Gatorade when I did drink (on the run - no walking) and consuming 4 gels on the run (and one before the start). In sum, this was my best marathon since 2007 - no cramping or injuries before or during to deal with! And my recovery has been quick, as well.

Now on to tri training. Led my Monday night recovery ride group this week for the first time this year. Masters swimming continues on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, schedule allowing. It feels right to be focusing on multi sport after eight months of mostly marathon training.




We were very wet puppies!