
Ironman, Marathon and More: It’s a life style

The life of a masters athlete…who has a life

Training, Swimming, Biking, Running, Triathlon Lee Crumbaugh Training, Swimming, Biking, Running, Triathlon Lee Crumbaugh

WOW - Workouts of the Week #1

For my fellow triathletes in the Annapolis Tri Crabs, most every week in recent months I have been sharing "the best of" my weekly swim, bike and run workouts. My intent is to give back to the club, be a motivator, offer varied workout ideas and, last, to raise awareness that I am a triathlon and running coach. This morning I realized that I could share these workouts more widely through this blog. See here we go.

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Running, Training Lee Crumbaugh Running, Training Lee Crumbaugh

Make 2017 your best running year

On the spectrum of runners, where are you? If you are not just a jogger, it's likely that you want to take your running to the next level in 2017. Never fear, improvement is easy if you focus on the right areas. Here's what has helped me and many others up our running game - six areas with specific steps that are likely to help you improve greatly in 2017.

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Training, Running, Swimming, Biking, Triathlon Lee Crumbaugh Training, Running, Swimming, Biking, Triathlon Lee Crumbaugh

Don't be a "resolutionist"! Let's plan our 2017 running

This is the time of year I plan my running, swimming and biking for the year ahead. Out of this planning comes a set of races I am targeting and a detailed daily training schedule (sometimes laid out for a half year at a time) to put me in the best position to succeed in my target races, as well as to yield the fitness, well-being and overall enjoyment I get from running and multi-sport.

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Training, Running, Track, Racing Lee Crumbaugh Training, Running, Track, Racing Lee Crumbaugh

Serious fun

To call me "serious" about running (or triathlon)? That sounds too much like how one approaches a job. Running and triathlon are not my job (except when I am paid to coach athletes - and that's about their running, swimming and biking, not mine.) Running and triathlon for me are, as I tell those whom I coach and help, fun.

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We are capable of so much more than we ask of ourselves.

Let’s talk about what you are seeking in better training and racing, and how my coaching can help you improve.